Hi! I am a fullstack developer, mainly focused on the frontend part. I am also a nuclear and particle physicist, specialized in Quantum Field Theory. Brought into the web development industry in 2022, I love creating projects and seeing the finished product succeeding in its cause. Passionate about learning new technologies, perfectionist, quick thinker and creative problem solver. I try to "fail fast", because the sooner you fail, the sooner you learn. I love using React-Redux to give life to my projects.
Web Developer & Nuclear Physicist.
Currently living in Athens, Greece
- Birthday: 26 April 1997
- Website: alagkonas.dev
- Phone: +30 6984983890
- City: Athens, Greece
- Degree: Master
- Email: [email protected]
- Blog: blog.alagkonas.dev
- GitHub: @alagkonas
During my initial steps in the vast world of Javascript, I focused and emphasized on the building blocks. Javascript works in a very amazing way behind the scenes. Thus, I gathered some key concepts and tried to interpret them using simple and basic examples. If you are curious, visit my Blog to find them.
Started learning web development from January 2022, I focused on the fullstack. Later on, I found my self amazed by the frontend part and the hot technologies that you can leverage.
Strong knowledge. Using semantic structure and new HTML 5 APIs.
CSS / Tailwindcss
Knowledgable. Using CSS3 mostly for fine-tuning and customizing element positioning and appearance. Also using Tailwindcss in most of my smaller scale projects for a rapid UI setup.
JavaScript ES6
Strong knowledge. Extensive use of new ES6 features like spread/rest operators, template literals, arrow and high order functions and the Promise interface.
React JS
Moderate knowledge. Also using Redux for state management.
Node JS
Strong knowledge. Mostly used with Express.js.
Mongo db
Strong knowledge. Able to construct schemas, fetch and query data between collections, implement fully CRUD functionality.
Fair knowledge of SQL and query optimization.
Moderate knowledge. Able to integrate both Firebase and Realtime DB at the same time, or seperately.
Jest / RTL / Cypress
Moderate knowledge. Mostly Unit and Integration Tests.
From early age, I had an attraction to physics. During my studies for my Batchelor's Degree, I realized I was amazed by Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Physics. Later on, as I was in my Master's era, I felt the need to learn programming. As a consequence, I decided to change my career and thus, I became a web developer.
Master in Nuclear & Particle Physics
2021 - Present
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR
As a theoritical physicist, I specialize in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.
Bachelor in Physics
2015 - 2021
University of Crete, GR
Considered by many, as the best University for Science in Greece. It forged me into a quick thinker, learner, with a robust, get-things-done mindset.
Professional Experience
2022 - Present
- Creating applications with many different technologies for personal experience and upon friends' demanding.
- Heavy use of React as a frontend framework along with Redux for state management. Strong knowledge of the MERN stack.
- Backend experience using both SQL and noSQL databases, and also Firebase.
- Experience with many libraries such as Axios, Material UI, GraphQL, Gatsby.
- Strong experience with tools, such as Postman, Git, VS Code.